Tag: System administrator (System administrators)
Occurrence | Published | ||
Published: October 2023 | |||
Jiglu system configuration checklistRoles and permissions Administrators Are there additional users that you want to allow to modify system permissions and system settings? |
Published: April 2022 | |||
How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?Note that system administrators will still be able to change these values for individual groups. |
How do I have new users automatically joined to certain groups?If you have not already carried out secondary authentication (your user icon on the right have the navigation bar will have a red border if this is the case) then go to My preferences, choose the System administrator log in option and enter the password. |
How can I have users automatically deactivated when email to them bounces?After an account is deactivated it will require intervention by a system administrator should it be required to reactivate it. |
System administration quickstartThe system administrator password for this account. |
When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?Here a user administrator is defined as someone with system permission to activate users, which will include those with the System administrator role. |
Published: November 2021 | |||
How do I customise the look of a blog or space?Note that you may not be able to access the home page settings category if this has been restricted by a system administrator. |
Published: February 2021 | |||
How can I change whether the 'Flag' button appears under contributionsSystem administrators can also turn this off by default for all groups by going to the system settings, choosing the Group defaults category and then the Privacy and flagging category. |
How can I set a retention policy for discussion messages or instant messages?If you are a system administrator, you can set the maximum ages used by all spaces by going to the system settings, choosing the Group defaults category and then the Limits and quotas category. |
Published: March 2020 | |||
How can I stop people from using the system outside office hours?Note that users with the System administrator role will always have access to the system at any time. |
Published: November 2019 | |||
When I send someone an invitation what approval is needed?Here a user administrator is defined as someone with system permission to activate users, which will include those with the System administrator role. |
Published: August 2019 | |||
Jiglu monitor administration quickstartNew monitors may also require approval first from a system administrator, in which case you will have to wait before continuing. |
Published: December 2018 | |||
How can I reduce the chances of a group being accidentally deleted?There you will find two options for group deletion: Approve group deletion: when set to yes, a system administrator will be required to approve the group deletion before it takes place. |
How can I change who gets the system administrator newsletter?Jiglu has an email newsletter for administrators that covers important changes in the system such as new users, new groups, changes to system permissions and changes to system settings. |
Published: October 2018 | |||
Jiglu blog administration quickstartNote that depending on system policies some settings categories may not be available and some individual settings may also be locked by system administrators so group administrators cannot change them. |
Published: July 2018 | |||
Jiglu space administration quickstartA system may also have roles that have been created specially by its administrators. |
Published: September 2017 | |||
How do I set up newsletters?Note that you may not be able to access the newsletter settings category if this has been restricted by a system administrator. |
How do I stop file attachments being sent with email?This can be done by a system administrator and - providing the settings have not been locked - by a group administrator. |
How do I get notified when a member leaves a group?Notify system administrators on leaving. |
How do I allow some users to manage user accounts without giving them the system administrator password?Give the role a name such as User administrator, for the Level select the System option and then the Save button. |