Tag: Configure Jiglu

3 occurrences
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How can I stop people from using the system outside office hours?

If you're worried about use of Jiglu outside of times when it is being monitored or you have a policy the prohibits use outside office hours then you can configure Jiglu to prevent user access at these times.

How do I authenticate users with an LDAP directory?

If you have an existing LDAP directory then you can configure Jiglu to use it for user authentication instead of Jiglu's own authentication system.

How do I scan files in Jiglu for viruses and other malware?

These include: Symantec Protection Engine for Cloud Services McAfee Web Gateway ICAP Deployment Trend Micro ServerProtect for Storage F-Secure Internet Gatekeeper To configure Jiglu go to System settings and then choose the Virus scanning option.