Tag: System settings (system setting)

of 39 occurrences
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How do I view what activities a particular user has been carrying out?

By default activities are held for 180 days, but this can be changed in the system settings if required.

System administration quickstart

In order to provide additional protection, access to modify users and system settings requires users to enter an additional password.

How can I download logs from the system for external analysis?

By default activities are held for 180 days, but this can be changed in the system settings if required.

How can I change who gets the system administrator newsletter?

Go to the System settings page and choose the Newsletters option.

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

A system setting controls how many items may be downloaded from each source, set at 4,000 by default, which may be changed globally or for individual monitors.

How do I allow some users to manage user accounts without giving them the system administrator password?

Go to System settings and choose the Roles option and then select the New button.

How do I stop people using external media in content?

To do this go to System settings and choose the Filtering option.

How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?

Go to System settings, choose the Group defaults option and then the Category visibility option at the bottom of the page.

Jiglu system configuration checklist

Roles and permissions Administrators Are there additional users that you want to allow to modify system permissions and system settings?

How can I turn on or off two-factor authentication?

You can change whether two-factor authentication is enabled by going to System settings and choosing the Security option.

How do I use Google Analytics or similar with Jiglu?

Go to System settings and choose the Page elements option.

How do I add a standard footer to all emails from the system?

Go to System settings and choose the Email processing option.

How do I allow only certain kinds of attachments or files?

To do this go to the System settings and then choose the Filtering option.

How can I change the home page that people see when they are not logged in?

Go to System settings and choose the Public home page option and you will be able to enter the HTML to be used in the middle part of the page when a user visits the site and a stylesheet that will be applied to this HTML.

How do I allow content to be embedded from another site?

Go to System settings, choose the Embedded sites option and then select the New button.

How can I import and export feeds?

In a monitor or space, go to the system settings and then choose the Sources category.

How do I customise the look of my Jiglu site?

Go to System settings and choose the Stylesheet option.

How can I set a retention policy for discussion messages or instant messages?

If you are a system administrator, you can set the maximum ages used by all spaces by going to the system settings, choosing the Group defaults category and then the Limits and quotas category.

How do I have new users default to the HTML editor for discussion messages and blog comments?

Go to System settings and choose the User defaults option.

How can I stop people from using the system outside office hours?

You can choose what times you want the system to be available by going to system settings and choosing the User limits You can select what start time and end time you want to have the system available each day and whether access is permitted at weekends.