Tag: Themes (theme)

6 occurrences
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How do I customise the look of my Jiglu site?

Themes Jiglu comes with six fixed and two customisable themes.

How do I customise the look of a blog or space?

Themes Jiglu comes with six fixed and two customisable themes.

System administration quickstart

If you want to limit this then you can deactivate themes on the Themes settings page.

Jiglu space administration quickstart

There are two main settings categories that affect the look of every page: Appearance- here you can choose from a number of different themes, changing colours and other styling.

Jiglu blog administration quickstart

There are two main settings categories that affect the look of every page: Appearance - here you can choose from a number of different themes, changing colours and other styling.

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

Getting started with administering a new Jiglu monitor.