Tag: Groups (Group)
Occurrence | Published | |
What is the difference between a group and a space?A space is a kind of group used to enable a group of people to collaborate together. |
How can I flag groups with my organisation's security access levels or other metadata?To add or edit group categories, go to System settings and then choose the Categories option under Groups. |
Jiglu system configuration checklistThis will give them access to create new groups, approve new groups or group deletions, change group settings and view all groups. ▢ Yes Go to the Roles system settings category and then select the New button. |
How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?Locked settings Locked settings let you prevent group administrators from changing individual group settings. |
System administration quickstartGroup defaults - what settings are available for groups and their defaults. |
Jiglu space administration quickstartSpaces are just one kind of group in Jiglu. |
Jiglu monitor administration quickstartMonitors are just one kind of group in Jiglu. |
Jiglu blog administration quickstartBlogs are just one kind of group in Jiglu. |
How can I temporarily suspend a group member from contributing?They will still be able to leave the group or change their group preferences. |
How do I customise the look of a blog or space?To change them, in the group go to Settings and then choose the Banner images option. |
Jiglu system assets checklistGroup web page footer – this will appear at the bottom of pages within groups. |
What is the difference between adding and inviting new members to a group?If you are a group administrator and go to the index of members for the group then you will usually see two different buttons used to add new members. |
How do I invite a new user to join multiple groups?If there are a large number of groups in the system then you can search for a particular group by entering part of its name in the search field. |
How do I have new users automatically joined to certain groups?Next, go to the Blogs, Monitors or Spaces section and locate the group. |
How can I reduce the chances of a group being accidentally deleted?There you will find two options for group deletion: Approve group deletion: when set to yes, a system administrator will be required to approve the group deletion before it takes place. |
How do I allow members to edit knowledge entries but have their changes checked by a moderator first?Ensure that Group member and Group unmoderated member both have the Add and Edit permissions checked and then select the Save button. |
How do I stop members leaving a group?Now only group administrators or moderators will be able to delete members. |
How do I customise the look of my Jiglu site?For example, if you have uploaded a group default banner with a lighter shade than the default then you may want to change the colour of the text with the group name. |
How do I allow users to invite other users to join?Group administrators will always have permission to do this. |
How do I moderate comments from only certain members of my blog?Ensure that Group member and Group unmoderated member both have the Add permission checked and then select the Save button. |