Tag: Member workflow

7 occurrences
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How do I have administrators approve new members in a group?

Choose the Advanced settings tab, then Member workflow.

How do I stop members leaving a group?

In the group go to the Settings section, choose the Advanced settings tab, then Member workflow.

How do I get notified when a member leaves a group?

In the group go to the Settings section and choose Member workflow.

When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?

If the person registering used the registration form within a blog or space then the process to join them to that group will start after their user has been activated: If theApprove new members member workflow setting in the group is set toNo then they will not need approval by a group administrator.

When I send someone an invitation what approval is needed?

If they are already a registered user or after their registered user is activated For each of the groups they have been invited to: If the Approve new members member workflow setting in the group is set to No then they will not need approval by a group administrator.

How do I have new users automatically joined to certain groups?

Note that when a group is chosen as a new user default then any member workflow settings, such as having new members approved, will be ignored when the new user is made a member.

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

Getting started with administering a new Jiglu monitor.