How do I customise the look of a blog or space?

There are a number of ways that you can change the look of an individual blog or space.


Jiglu comes with six fixed and two customisable themes. You can either choose from three base colour variants – blue, green and red – or select your own colours in a customisable theme to match your organisation’s own branding. For each colour there are then two variants. The ‘blend’ variant uses a line between each item on index pages and lists of items. The ‘blend striped’ variant uses alternating grey backgrounds for each item instead.

If you want to use a different theme than the system default, in the group go to Settings and then choose the Appearance option. Here you can also select the time zone where your group is located (users can pick their own if wanted) and the locale. Currently only British and American English are supported.

Note that you may be restricted as to what themes are available to a blog or space and it may not be possible to change this option at all or to access the appearance settings category if this has been restricted by a system administrator.

Banner and icon

The banner image and icon for a group will default to ones chosen for the system. To change them, in the group go to Settings and then choose the Banner images option.

There are two images that you can upload here:

  • The page banner. This will replace the system default onto which the name of the group will have been overlaid.
  • The system icon, used for browser bookmarks / favourites, browser tabs, browser notifications and feed icons. Blogs and spaces may optionally have their own icon.

It is generally best to upload an image in the right size for its use, but the system will scale the image if needed. For system icons you can use a PNG with a transparent background as long as it is 128 x 128 pixels in size. For the other banners, if you wish to support high DPI displays then you should upload an image with a multiple of the required height. For example, the page banner should be 60, 120, 180 or 240 pixels high.

Note that you may not be able to access the banner images settings category if this has been restricted by a system administrator.

Home page

Every blog and space gets a default home page when it is created. This can be customised by a group administrator to better highlight the information that is important to it. For example, in a space you might want to include a section that lists knowledge entries with a particular tag, perhaps identifying those entries that are the most useful to new users, or add a section that gives extra information to non-members about how they can qualify to join the group.

To change the home page, in the group go to Settings and then choose the Home page option. You can then change the home page sections as you require:

  • To add a new section, select the New section button, choose the type of section that you want and enter the appropriate details in the dialog. When you select the Save button it will be added to the form in the location you chose.
  • To change the details for an existing section, select its name and then make the changes required. For section types that are lists of information you can choose how many you want shown, what level of detail you want and - depending on the section type - may be able to filter the results in some way.
  • To move a section to a different column or position within a column, drag it by its handle to where you now wish it shown on the page.
  • The remove a section, drag it to the trash can.

Once you have finished select the Save button on the form to have the changes stored. If you select the Apply button then you will be returned to the form - this can be useful if you have the home page open in another browser tab so you can check it looks how you want.

Note that you may not be able to access the home page settings category if this has been restricted by a system administrator.

Written by Stephen Hebditch. Published on .