Tag: Banners (Banner)

7 occurrences
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How do I customise the look of my Jiglu site?

To change the banner images and icon to your organisation go to System settings and then choose the Banner images option.

How do I customise the look of a blog or space?

Banner and icon The banner image and icon for a group will default to ones chosen for the system.

Jiglu system assets checklist

System page banner – the banner that will appear at the top of all the pages.

Jiglu space administration quickstart

Banner images- here you can upload a specific banner image for the top of each page or a specific icon for the space.

Jiglu blog administration quickstart

Banner images - here you can upload a specific banner image for the top of each page or a specific icon for the blog.

System administration quickstart

The following images can be used: System page banner – the banner that will appear at the top of all pages If you do not upload a banner then the Jiglu logo will be used.

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

Getting started with administering a new Jiglu monitor.