Tag: User administration (Users administrator, user administrators)

12 occurrences
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How do I allow users to invite other users to join?

New users may optionally always require approval by an administrator or can be set to require approval if they are not from a list of pre-approved domains.

How do I allow some users to manage user accounts without giving them the system administrator password?

If you no longer want to allow a user to manage other users then simply edit their user as above and uncheck the User administrator role.

How does Jiglu support rights under the GDPR?

This can then be downloaded by the administrator or the relevant user.

How can I see and deactivate users that haven't logged in to the system recently?

First choose Settings from the system navigation bar, log in with the additional administrator password and then choose the User workflow category page.

How can I have users automatically deactivated when email to them bounces?

On the User workflow settings category there is a Deactivate user if email deactivated for setting, which determines after how many days since messages started bouncing the user account should be deactivated.

How can I see who is currently logged in

If you want to see who is currently logged in to the system, go to the Users section and choose the View active user sessions action from the sidebar on the left.

How can I view failed login attempts?

Go to the Users section and choose the View the activity log for users action from the sidebar on the left.

Jiglu system configuration checklist

Go to the Users section, edit each of the users you want to have these rights and give them the All groups administrator role. ▢ No Do you want to allow user administrators to edit users’ profiles?

System administration quickstart

Only system administrators are able to add new users.

When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?

If the logged in user has user administrator or group administrator permissions then the new user being created will skip the appropriate workflow stages.

When I send someone an invitation what approval is needed?

If they are not already a registered user If the Approve new users user workflow setting is set to No then they will not need approval by a user administrator.

What do I do when a user has lost their two-factor authentication details?

A user with user administration rights can do this by visiting the user's profile and choosing the Clear key button.