How do I allow some users to manage user accounts without giving them the system administrator password?

Out of the box Jiglu only allows users that have been given the System administrator role to add, edit and activate other users. However, as the system grows you may want to delegate other users to also help with user management.

Here are the steps you need to take:

  1. First create a new role that can be given to users who will have user management rights. Go to System settings and choose the Roles option and then select the New button. Give the role a name such as User administrator, for the Level select the System option and then the Save button.
  2. Now assign permissions to this role. Go to System settings and choose the Permissions option and then the User resource type. You will see the new role listed and should give it all the permissions listed: add, edit, view, activate and deactivate. Finally select the Save button.
  3. Now you need to give this role to those users who will manage other users. Go to Users, find the required user and from the dropdown menu next to their name choose the Edit option. On the edit page check the box next to the User administrator role and then select the Save button.

If you no longer want to allow a user to manage other users then simply edit their user as above and uncheck the User administrator role.

Written by Stephen Hebditch. Published on .