Tag: Permissions (permission)

17 occurrences
Occurrence Published

How do I allow some users to manage user accounts without giving them the system administrator password?

Now assign permissions to this role.

How do I disable certain sections of a space?

You can disable the Discovery section by removing the view permission for a tag.

How do I stop ordinary members from adding polls?

For Group member uncheck the Add permission.

Jiglu system configuration checklist

Roles and permissions Administrators Are there additional users that you want to allow to modify system permissions and system settings?

Jiglu space administration quickstart

For example, if you don’t want to permit instant messages in a space then go to the Instant messages page in the Resource permissions category and remove the View permission from every role.

Jiglu blog administration quickstart

For example, if you don’t want to permit comments in a blog then go to the Blog comments page in the Resource permissions category and remove the View permission from every role.

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

Getting started with administering a new Jiglu monitor.

What is the difference between adding and inviting new members to a group?

If you have permission to activate users then each user chosen will be immediately joined to the group.

System administration quickstart

On the Permissions settings page for Users give the Add permission to this new ‘User administrator’ role.

How can I see who is currently logged in

Note that this will only be available if you have permission to administer users.

How do I allow users to invite other users to join?

Group administrators will always have permission to do this.

How do I moderate comments from only certain members of my blog?

Ensure that Group member and Group unmoderated member both have the Add permission checked and then select the Save button.

How can I view failed login attempts?

Note that this will only be available if you have permission to administer users.

How can I set a retention policy for discussion messages or instant messages?

If you want to allow them to change these settings then you will need to change its permissions - see How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?

How do I set a reminder to have a knowledge entry checked that it is still current?

However, you can also set the knowledge entry workflow to automatically have members with the right permission notified when an entry has been published for a certain number of days and might need reviewing.

When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?

Note that if you go to the registration form while already logged in as a user then the permissions used will be those of the logged in user.

What are the different invitations and how do I configure their text?

Note that if any of these actions is carried out by someone with permission to activate users then the user will be made a member immediately and no invitation will be sent.