Tag: Groups (Group)

of 53 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: March 2024

What can I do about discussion messages being undelivered because of DKIM / DMARC failures?

The setting can also be changed for individual groups, for the case where you have some groups that are internal only and some that are a mixture, by going to Group settings -> Email processing.

Published: October 2023

Jiglu system configuration checklist

This will give them access to create new groups, approve new groups or group deletions, change group settings and view all groups. ▢ Yes Go to the Roles system settings category and then select the New button.

Jiglu system assets checklist

Group web page footer – this will appear at the bottom of pages within groups.

Published: April 2022

How can I import and export tags

To import tags you will need to be a user with Activate permission on tags in the group.

How can I download logs from the system for external analysis?

To view activities that have taken place in a specific group, go to the group, choose the Settings section, then Advanced options and the Blog activity, Monitor activity or Space activity option as appropriate.

How can I import and export feeds?

You may have an existing set of feeds from another system that you would like to use in Jiglu or you might want to move a group of feeds between monitors or spaces.

How do I customise the look of my Jiglu site?

For example, if you have uploaded a group default banner with a lighter shade than the default then you may want to change the colour of the text with the group name.

How does Jiglu support rights under the GDPR?

There will be one directory for every group that they have authored content in or are a member of.

How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?

Locked settings Locked settings let you prevent group administrators from changing individual group settings.

How do I have new users automatically joined to certain groups?

Next, go to the Blogs, Monitors or Spaces section and locate the group.

System administration quickstart

Group defaults - what settings are available for groups and their defaults.

When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?

Here a group administrator is defined as someone with group permission to activate members, which will usually be those members with the Group administrator orGroup moderator role.

How can I make new users wait before they can contribute?

During this time they will be able to read as normal and join groups but will be prevented from adding any content or updating their profile.

Published: December 2021

What are the differences between the Jiglu editions?

Spaces Identical features except for group instant messaging.

Published: November 2021

How can I limit the ability for people to post inappropriate language?

If you are using Jiglu for communities to which a wider group of users have access, you may wish to have restrictions on contributions containing inappropriate language, such as profanity.

How do I customise the look of a blog or space?

To change them, in the group go to Settings and then choose the Banner images option.

Published: February 2021

How can I limit who can use private feeds?

Some of the feeds in Jiglu, such as those in a private group, require a user to provide a username and password for access.

How can I change whether the 'Flag' button appears under contributions

System administrators can also turn this off by default for all groups by going to the system settings, choosing the Group defaults category and then the Privacy and flagging category.

How can I set a retention policy for discussion messages or instant messages?

If you want to allow them to change these settings then you will need to change its permissions - see How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?

Published: September 2020

How can I temporarily suspend a group member from contributing?

They will still be able to leave the group or change their group preferences.