Tag: Media types (media type)

5 occurrences
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How do I allow only certain kinds of attachments or files?

The system determines the media type of a file in several ways.

Jiglu system configuration checklist

What you'll need to consider when configuring a new Jiglu system.

How do I have an administrator check attachments before they are distributed?

These forms contain two lists: Media types that you always want to filter out, including wildcards Media types that you always want to allow, including wildcards, even if they are in the above list.

Jiglu space administration quickstart

There is additionally the ability to restrict what attachments are allowed, requiring approval when one is contributed whose media type is not allowed.

How do I scan files in Jiglu for viruses and other malware?

You can also optionally set media types that you don't want scanned (by default standard image formats are not set to be scanned), how often you want files rescanned and during which time period each day this rescanning should take place.