Tag: Newsletters (newsletter)

9 occurrences
Occurrence Published

How do I set up newsletters?

To add a newsletter or edit an existing one, in the group go to Settings and then choose the Newsletters option.

How can I change who gets the system administrator newsletter?

The Newsletters settings page also lets you choose how often the newsletter is sent out and at what time of the day.

Jiglu space administration quickstart

Newsletters- email newsletters that members can subscribe to keep them updated.

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

Getting started with administering a new Jiglu monitor.

Jiglu blog administration quickstart

Newsletters- email newsletters that members can subscribe to keep them updated.

Jiglu system configuration checklist

What you'll need to consider when configuring a new Jiglu system.

System administration quickstart

Getting started with administering a new Jiglu system.

How do I add an RSS feed in a collaboration space?

The space home page and newsletters can also be configured to include them.

What can I do about discussion messages being undelivered because of DKIM / DMARC failures?

The replacement will not happen for discussion message digests, newsletters or other email from Jiglu.