Tag: RSS
6 occurrences
Occurrence | Published | |
How do I add an RSS feed in a collaboration space?Jiglu supports feeds in the RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 formats. |
How do I add a source in a monitor?Currently supported methods include: Feeds, in RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom format. |
Jiglu monitor administration quickstartAdding sources Jiglu offers a number of ways to monitor external content: From an RSS or Atom feed. |
How do I disable certain sections of a space?By default a space comes with four different kinds of content: A sources section with RSS feeds. |
How can I import and export feeds?Note that in monitors this will only work with sources that are purely Atom or RSS feeds. |
Jiglu space administration quickstartSource items are content from external systems brought in on RSS feeds. |