How do I add a source in a monitor?

Monitors have been designed to be as flexible as possible in the kinds of content you can bring in to Jiglu. Currently supported methods include:

  • Feeds, in RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and Atom format.
  • Monitoring a web page for URLs that match a specific pattern.
  • Using OpenSearch to find items on a site, either using a feed or a web page.
  • Spidering a web site or part of a web site.
  • Manually adding items using an HTTP API based on the Atom Publishing Protocol.
  • Manually adding items using the Java API.

When you first create a monitor the next step will be to add the first source. You can add multiple sources to the same monitor. In this case, on the Sources index page you will find actions to add a new source (for those brought in automatically) or to add a new API source (for manual sources).

For automatic sources, the starting point is to enter a URL of the web page or URL that you wish to use. Jiglu will use automatic discovery to give you options depending on what it finds at that page. You will then be able to tweak the settings for the source to ensure that it gives you the content you need.

For more information, see the help page for sources.

Written by Stephen Hebditch. Published on .
How to bring external content into a monitor.