Tag: Blogs (blog)

of 31 occurrences
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Published: October 2023

Jiglu system configuration checklist

What you'll need to consider when configuring a new Jiglu system.

Published: April 2022

How can I import and export tags

Export tags To export tags, go to the Tags tab in a blog, monitor or space and in the sidebar choose the Export tags action.

How can I download logs from the system for external analysis?

To view activities that have taken place in a specific group, go to the group, choose the Settings section, then Advanced options and the Blog activity, Monitor activity or Space activity option as appropriate.

How do I customise the look of my Jiglu site?

Blogs and spaces may optionally have their own icon.

How does Jiglu support rights under the GDPR?

Blog posts, blog comments, discussion messages and knowledge entries have their main text parts as MIME email .eml format files named after the type of the contribution, its simple name and the part number.

How do I prevent group administrators from changing certain group settings?

By default Jiglu has a large number of different settings that allow administrators of blogs, monitors and spaces to control exactly how they want their group to look and behave.

How do I have new users automatically joined to certain groups?

Next, go to the Blogs, Monitors or Spaces section and locate the group.

System administration quickstart

Setting licence key A newly installed Jiglu system will allow up to ten users and ten groups of all types (blogs, monitors and spaces).

When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?

If the person registering used the registration form within a blog or space then the process to join them to that group will start after their user has been activated: If theApprove new members member workflow setting in the group is set toNo then they will not need approval by a group administrator.

Published: December 2021

What are the differences between the Jiglu editions?

Blogs Identical features.

Published: November 2021

How can I limit the ability for people to post inappropriate language?

(Blog comments can not have attachments.)

How do I customise the look of a blog or space?

Blogs and spaces may optionally have their own icon.

Published: February 2021

How can I change whether the 'Flag' button appears under contributions

Jiglu has the ability for members of blogs and spaces to report inappropriate content to moderators by selecting a Flag button under a blog comment, discussion message or knowledge entry.

Published: September 2020

How do I have new users default to the HTML editor for discussion messages and blog comments?

By default for new users Jiglu uses a simple plain text input method for users to enter discussion messages and blog comments.

How can I have contributions moderated but only for new members?

See How do I moderate comments from only certain members of my blog?

How can I turn off comments in a blog?

Go to the Access and membership settings category in the blog and clear the Blog comments checkbox in the Access to sections part of the form.

How can I automatically close blog posts to new comments after a period of time?

When a blog post has been published for a while, you may no longer be interested in people adding comments.

Published: August 2019

Jiglu monitor administration quickstart

Some pages, such as blogs or newspaper sites, may have comments from readers underneath the main article.

Published: December 2018

How can I flag groups with my organisation's security access levels or other metadata?

From the Blogs, Monitors, or Spaces indexes, select the dropdown menu next to the group name and then choose the Edit group option.

Published: October 2018

Jiglu blog administration quickstart

Creating a blog Creating a new blog is easy.