Tag: Moderation (Moderate, moderator, moderators)

10 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: November 2021

How can I limit the ability for people to post inappropriate language?

Checks will be made on the main text of discussion messages and blog comments and if a banned word is found then depending on the workflow settings it can be sent for moderation, rejected, discarded or let through as normal.

Published: February 2021

How can I change whether the 'Flag' button appears under contributions

Jiglu has the ability for members of blogs and spaces to report inappropriate content to moderators by selecting a Flag button under a blog comment, discussion message or knowledge entry.

Published: September 2020

How can I have contributions moderated but only for new members?

In each of these categories you will find a Moderate new member setting with the number of days to require a moderation check for.

How do I have moderate contributions in a space from only certain members?

In the Roles that don't require moderation setting uncheck the Group member option.

Published: December 2018

How do I organise discussion in a space by subject area?

Group administrators and moderators may have extra workload moving threads to the appropriate area.

Published: September 2018

How do I moderate comments from only certain members of my blog?

If a blog comment is now added by a member whose comments are moderated then a new task will appear in My tasks for those members who have the Group administrator or Group moderator role.

Published: September 2017

How do I allow members to edit knowledge entries but have their changes checked by a moderator first?

In the Roles that don't require moderation setting uncheck the Group member option.

How do I stop ordinary members from adding polls?

In the Roles that don't require moderation setting uncheck the Group member option.

How do I have an administrator check attachments before they are distributed?

You should then make sure the Action to take when a media type is not allowed setting is set to Moderate and select the Save button.

How do I stop members leaving a group?

Now only group administrators or moderators will be able to delete members.