Tag: Blog posts (blog post)

15 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: April 2022

Jiglu system quickstart

Members of the blog may also be able to respond to blog posts with their own comments.

Published: February 2021

How can I compare different versions of a blog post or knowledge entry?

Blog posts and knowledge entries have versions.

Published: March 2020

How can I merge two knowledge entries

You can also use incorporation feature to merge any other type of contribution into a knowledge entry - blog post, blog comment, discussion message, instant message or status update.

Published: September 2019

Why can't I upload an attachment?

There are several reasons why you might not be able to add an attachment to a discussion message, knowledge entry or blog post.

Published: February 2019

Tagging quickstart

You can also manually assign tags for blog posts, knowledge entries and source items.

Published: October 2018

Jiglu Radar quickstart

Your discussion messages, knowledge entries, blog posts and blog comments are listed in the order that someone last responded to or updated them.

Jiglu blogs quickstart

Blog posts can have two text parts.

Published: September 2018

What is the difference between a group, space, blog and monitor?

Members of the blog may also be able to respond to blog posts with their own comments.

Published: December 2017

What is a contribution?

These are currently: Blog posts (blogs) Blog comments (blogs) Instant messages (spaces) Discussion messages (spaces) Knowledge entries (spaces) Source items (monitors and spaces) Status updates (users) The group type is shown above after the contribution type.

Why does one of my favourites have a different name to the blog post or knowledge entry?

Blog posts and knowledge entries can be edited after they are created, each edit creating a new version.

How do I view my favourites?

Favourites let you keep track of the blog posts, blog comments, instant messages, discussion messages, knowledge entries, source items and status updates that you like the most.

How do I mark a contribution as a favourite?

Favourites let you keep track of the blog posts, blog comments, instant messages, discussion messages, knowledge entries, source items and status updates that you like the most.

How do I transfer something useful that someone wrote in a message to a knowledge entry?

Any instant message, discussion message, knowledge entry, source item, blog post or blog comment that you have access to can be transferred.

What are tasks?

Drafts of discussion messages, knowledge entries, blog posts and blog comments are also stored as tasks.

How do I use an image in the content of a blog post or knowledge entry

Often when writing a blog post or knowledge entry you will want to add a photo or chart to illustrate a point or break up long text.