Tag: Radar
Occurrence | Published | |
What is the difference between viewing in the Radar and visiting a group?The Radar is best for keeping track of new information. |
What is the Radar?More information on the Radar is available in the help system. |
In my Radar activity stream how do I only show the groups I am most interested in?Because of this you might want to limit the groups that appear in your Radar activity stream. |
What are alerts?You can get information on new content that matches your alerts in several ways: On the Radar, your alerts are shown on the left of the page. |
Jiglu system quickstartMore information about using the radar can be found in the Jiglu Radar Quickstart. |
Jiglu Radar quickstartJiglu Radar is your personal home page. |
How do I upload a photo to use for my profile and Radar activities?Uploading a photo. |
Why does the Radar show my entries with an icon from my organisation's web site?The icon that is used when you haven't yet uploaded a photo. |
How do I search in a group?You can also search all the content in the system from your Radar personal home page. |
What are mentions and how do I use them?The mention will be added to the mentioned user’s Notifications activity stream on their radar, a browser notification will optionally appear and all the contributions they were mentioned in each day will be listed in the daily summary newsletter. |