Tag: Photos (photo)

7 occurrences
Occurrence Published

How do I upload a photo to use for my profile and Radar activities?

To upload a photo, select the drop-down menu button at the top right of the page, choose the My preferences option and then the Photo page.

Why does the Radar show my entries with an icon from my organisation's web site?

To upload a photo select the drop-down menu button at the top right of the page, choose the My preferences option and then the Photo preference page.

Jiglu system quickstart

In Photo you can upload a photo to use on your profile pages and for your icon (sometimes called an ‘avatar’ in other systems) on the radar activity stream.

How do I use an image in the content of a blog post or knowledge entry

Often when writing a blog post or knowledge entry you will want to add a photo or chart to illustrate a point or break up long text.

Jiglu Radar quickstart

From the user menu select My preferences and then choose the Photo option.

Jiglu spaces quickstart

Getting started with using Jiglu spaces.

Jiglu blogs quickstart

Getting started with using Jiglu blogs.