Tag: Search (searches)

6 occurrences
Occurrence Published

How do I search in a group?

If you want to search all the content available to you in a group then there are two choices: On the group home page enter the words you want to search for in the search box on the right of the navigation bar.

Jiglu system quickstart

Searching You can search through all the content of the groups that you have permission to view by entering a search phrase in the search box on the radar home page.

Jiglu spaces quickstart

You can also search messages for those containing particular words, published in a particular time period or written by a particular user.

Jiglu blogs quickstart

You can also search for members in a variety of different ways, including their name and when

Tagging quickstart

You can also search for tags that start with a particular character or word by entering them in the search box.

How can I merge two knowledge entries

You now need to search for the entry that you want to merge into.