Tag: Status updates (status update)

10 occurrences
Occurrence Published

How do I use emoji?

In instant messages and status updates you can use emoji: If you enter an emoticon like :-) it will be converted into the appropriate emoji character.

What is the difference between a group, space, blog and monitor?

A user's status updates are also part of a special group that is created behind-the-scenes when they write their first update.

Jiglu Radar quickstart

You can respond to a status update using the Respond link under the update.

Status updates quickstart

The status updates quickstart is coming soon.

Jiglu system quickstart

For more information about status updates see the Status Updates Quickstart.

Tagging quickstart

Introduction Underpinning all Jiglu’s different groups – spaces, blogs, monitors and users’ status updates – is the Jiglu Dynamic Discovery tagging engine.

What is a contribution?

These are currently: Blog posts (blogs) Blog comments (blogs) Instant messages (spaces) Discussion messages (spaces) Knowledge entries (spaces) Source items (monitors and spaces) Status updates (users) The group type is shown above after the contribution type.

How do I view my favourites?

Favourites let you keep track of the blog posts, blog comments, instant messages, discussion messages, knowledge entries, source items and status updates that you like the most.

How do I mark a contribution as a favourite?

Favourites let you keep track of the blog posts, blog comments, instant messages, discussion messages, knowledge entries, source items and status updates that you like the most.

How can I merge two knowledge entries

You can also use incorporation feature to merge any other type of contribution into a knowledge entry - blog post, blog comment, discussion message, instant message or status update.