Tag: User registration (user registrations)

4 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: October 2023

Jiglu system assets checklist

Registration terms – these will appear on the new user registration page and can also be linked to on their own page at https://(your-site)/+terms.

Published: April 2022

When someone registers as a new user what approval is needed?

Note that if you go to the registration form while already logged in as a user then the permissions used will be those of the logged in user.

Published: September 2018

What is the difference between adding and inviting new members to a group?

If they are not yet a user and guest users have permission to register to use the system then they will be sent an e-mail with a link taking them to the user registration page.

Published: September 2017

How do I new users approved by an administrator but skip the approval for certain domains?

Using the user workflow settings it is possible to have new user registrations subject to approval by an administrator.