Tag: source item (source items)

8 occurrences
Occurrence Published

Tagging quickstart

You can also manually assign tags for blog posts, knowledge entries and source items.

Jiglu spaces quickstart

Source items are content from external systems brought in on RSS feeds.

Jiglu Radar quickstart

Viewing source items If you are a member of a monitor then you can view new source items in your stream.

What is a contribution?

These are currently: Blog posts (blogs) Blog comments (blogs) Instant messages (spaces) Discussion messages (spaces) Knowledge entries (spaces) Source items (monitors and spaces) Status updates (users) The group type is shown above after the contribution type.

How do I view my favourites?

Favourites let you keep track of the blog posts, blog comments, instant messages, discussion messages, knowledge entries, source items and status updates that you like the most.

How do I mark a contribution as a favourite?

Favourites let you keep track of the blog posts, blog comments, instant messages, discussion messages, knowledge entries, source items and status updates that you like the most.

How do I search in a group?

In a monitor there is only one type of contribution - a source item - so you will need to search from the Items page.

How do I transfer something useful that someone wrote in a message to a knowledge entry?

Any instant message, discussion message, knowledge entry, source item, blog post or blog comment that you have access to can be transferred.