Tag: Notifications (notification)

5 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: April 2022

Jiglu system quickstart

You can also opt to get email notifications of tasks and if you receive the daily summary newsletter then this will show the outstanding tasks each day.

Published: December 2018

What are mentions and how do I use them?

The mention will be added to the mentioned user’s Notifications activity stream on their radar, a browser notification will optionally appear and all the contributions they were mentioned in each day will be listed in the daily summary newsletter.

Published: October 2018

Jiglu Radar quickstart

You will also get a browser notification every time a new interaction or mention is added to your notifications stream.

Published: December 2017

How can I choose what email I get from groups that I am a member of?

Notifications controls which notifications of new tasks you get emailed.

What are browser notifications?

You can also decide what notifications to get from the Notifications page in My preferences.