Tag: database (databases)

11 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: November 2023

PostgreSQL installation

Database initialisation The PostgreSQL database instance needs to be initialised before it is used for the first time and the database started.

Published: October 2023

Jiglu server installation

For external hosts it will normally be 25. com.jiglu.jdbc.url The JDBC URL for connecting to the database server. com.jiglu.jdbc.password The password for the Jiglu database user at the database server. com.jiglu.jdbc.ownerPassword The password for the Jiglu owner user at the database server.

Licence key

This gives differing abilities depending on the database: On PostgreSQL the default licence allows 10 users, 10 monitor users, 10 groups and access to all group types on a single server instance.

Installing Jiglu on Amazon Web Services

Either you can set the root volume to be a suitable size for the database or you can add a separate volume for the database.

Pre-installation checklist

Database ▢ PostgreSQL 14+ ▢ Oracle 12c PostgreSQL will be suitable for most small to moderately large installations but we also support Oracle for organisations that prefer it.

Sendmail configuration

The databases also need to be rebuilt.

Starting Jiglu for the first time

However, following the initial install you will need to start it manually if you do not reboot the system: systemctl start jiglu When Jiglu is first run, the database schema that was previously created will be populated with the initial default data.

Upgrading Jiglu

For hotfix upgrades even if there is no data upgrade the version number of system stored in the database will always be changed to match the current version.

Jiglu installation directories

/opt/jiglu/db Database scripts.

Published: April 2021

PostgreSQL database creation

Database users There are two users involved in the creation of Jiglu databases: the owner user, who owns all the databases and their tables, and can be used to perform data definition operations; the database user, who is used to connect from the Jiglu server and perform data manipulation operations.

Published: November 2020

PostgreSQL dump and restore

Note that if you restore the database in this way it will then be necessary to rebuild the search indexes.