Installing Jiglu on Amazon Web Services

It is assumed that the user already has an Amazon Web Services account and is familiar with the process of launching a new EC2 server.

Launching with a Jiglu AMI

Contact support at so we can make the AMI available to you. Then select the Launch instance button and go to the Community AMIs tab. Search for Jiglu and install the AMI whose details you have been given.

After choosing the instance type you can configure the instance details as you wish. For storage you have two choices. Either you can set the root volume to be a suitable size for the database or you can add a separate volume for the database. If you do the latter then you will need to format the volume and mount it then move the PostgreSQL data to it.

In the security group used for the instance you will need to allow inbound connections from anywhere to HTTP (80), HTTPS (443) and SMTP (25) and outbound connections to anywhere. You will also need SSH access to be able to carry out the post-launch tasks and any future administration.

Post-launch tasks

There are a small number of additional tasks that need to be completed after the instance has successfully launched.

Change PostgreSQL passwords

While the PostgreSQL database is not accessible externally, it is still essential to change the default passwords. The postgres password can be found in the file password located in the ~postgres directory.

As root:

psql postgres postgres
(Enter postgres password)
(Enter new postgres password twice)
\password jiglu
(Enter new jiglu password twice)
\password jigluowner
(Enter new jigluowner password twice)

You will then need to change the com.jiglu.jdbc.password and com.jiglu.jdbc.ownerPassword properties in /etc/jiglu/ to match the jiglu and jigluowner passwords.

Domain name

You will almost certainly want to be able to access Jiglu using a friendlier domain name than the default. See Integration for more on this.

  • For Jiglu, the domain name will need to be changed for the and com.jiglu.mail.domain properties in /etc/jiglu/ After making these changes run systemctl restart jiglu.
  • For Tomcat, you may want to set the domain name correctly for the <Host> directive in the /etc/tomcat/server.xml configuration file and rename the host directory in the Catalina directory. After making these changes run systemctl restart tomcat. See Tomcat installation for more details.
  • For Apache, you will want to set the host name correctly for the RewriteRule directive in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/redirect.conf configuration file. You should also change the ServerName and ServerAdmin values in this and the jiglu-ssl.conf files. After making these changes run systemctl restart httpd. See Configuring Apache for more details.
  • For sendmail, edit /etc/mail/access and /etc/mail/mailertable and change example.domain to the new domain name. Afterwards you should run make from the /etc/mail directory to update the database files. You do not need to restart sendmail after these changes. See Sendmail configuration for more details.

SSL certificate

You will need to install your own SSL certificate. The key should be in /etc/pki/tls/private and the certificate in /etc/pki/tls/certs. To change the names of these files edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/jiglu-ssl.conf and alter the SSLCertificateKeyFile and SSLCertificateFile entries. You may also need to add SSLCertificateChainFile and SSLCACertificateFile entries to use appropriate files depending on the SSL registry used.

Accessing the system

If you have configured a permanent domain name from the system then you can enter that name in your browser now. If you have not done this step then you can connect using the public DNS address shown for the instance in the EC2 console, e.g. If you have not configured your own SSL certificate then you may need to override your browser's security warning about the certificate being invalid.

For the next steps, see Accessing Jiglu for the first time.

Written by Stephen Hebditch. Published on .
Getting started with Jiglu on Amazon Web Services.