Accessing Jiglu for the first time

Once Jiglu is installed and running, the first thing to do is to log in to the web application and create an account for yourself with system administration privileges.

With your browser go to the URL of the web application, as configured in the property in The first time the page is loaded it will be a little slow as the JSPs are compiled by Tomcat.

The initial credentials for the system are written to the file /etc/jiglu/setup/initial-passwords. To log in enter a username of superuser and a password using the first line from the initial-passwords file. The superuser account is a special one normally only used for setting up the initial users on the system.

Now select the Settings tab at the top of the screen. You will be prompted for a secondary system administrator password, used when carrying out activities like changing system settings which require additional protection as they could have a major effect on the operation of the system. The initial system administrator password is the second line from the initial-passwords file. Select the Change system administrator password option at the bottom of the page, choose a new password and press Save.

Next you will need to create your own user account. Select the Users tab at the top of the screen and then the Add user button. Enter your details and ensure that the System administrator role checkbox at the end of the form is selected and then press Save. You should now log out from the superuser account by clicking on the blue arrow at the top right of the screen and selecting the Log out option.

You can now log in as your own user using the username and password you just used. With this account you will be able to create other users and collaboration spaces, blogs and content monitors.

Written by Stephen Hebditch. Published on .
How to log in to Jiglu and create the first user account.