Tag: CSV file (CSV files)

5 occurrences
Occurrence Published
Published: November 2023

Jiglu 16.0 release notes

Exporting Exported CSV files now include a UTF-8 Byte Order Mark so external programs such as Excel correctly pick up the character set.

Published: April 2022

Jiglu 15.1 release notes

On the Resource permissions forms there is a new Export operation which can be used to control who is allowed to export resources to a CSV file.

Published: April 2020

Jiglu 12.1 release notes

When you download a CSV file of users it now contains the roles that have been assigned to users.

Published: February 2020

Jiglu 12.0 release notes

Log export Download CSV files of activities that have been taking place in the system.

Published: May 2019

Jiglu 11.7 release notes

You can now download a CSV file with the details of all the users in the system.