How do I upload files in bulk?

Jiglu's knowledge entry bulk file import lets you quickly generate knowledge entries from existing files, one entry per file. This can be especially useful for quickly seeding a new collaboration space with documents that already exist.

To get started select Knowledge from the space navigation bar and then the Upload files in bulk as new entries action from the sidebar.


There are four scenarios that change how the content of each entry is created:

  • If you enter something for the Main text field on the form then each file uploaded will create an entry with that text as the main text of the entry and the file as an attachment.
  • If you leave the main text blank and upload a plain text file or an HTML file then the main text of the entry will be set to that text.
  • If you leave the main text blank and upload a document that contains text which the system can process, such as a Word document or a PDF, then the file will be converted to HTML and the main text set to that content. For well-structured documents, such as most modern Word documents, this should result in a reasonable conversion but further editing may still be required afterwards. Conversion from other file formats, for example PDFs from desktop publishing software, may give less good results. The original file will also be added as an attachment.
  • If you leave the main text blank and upload a document that has no text, such as an image, audio or video file, then there will be no main text for the entry unless a description was found in the file metadata.

Subject and description

The subject and description for each knowledge entry will be taken from the file metadata. If suitable information is not available then the subject will default to the name of the file and the description will be left blank.


You can also choose the tags that you want to have associated with each file that is uploaded. The system will also automatically generate tags from the file metadata and content.

Publish immediately or keep as draft

You have a choice as to whether you want the entries that are created to be published immediately or held as drafts in My tasks. Note that you may be subject to a limit as to how many drafts you are allowed to have at one time which will affect how many files you can upload.


You can upload files either by selecting the Browse files button and choosing one or more files with the file selector or by dragging and dropping files from your desktop onto the page. While files are uploading you will see a progress bar for each file. Once successfully submitted the details for a file will update to show the knowledge entry subject, the file type and its size.

Written by Stephen Hebditch. Published on .
How to use the knowledge entry bulk file upload option in a collaboration space.